четвер, 9 березня 2017 р.

Fun English: Language learning games for kids ages 3-10 to learn to read, speak & spell

Sing English !

English Short Stories For Kids

Read and write

Do you want to practise your reading and writing in English? In this section you can read and write about interesting topics. You can also play games, print activities and post comments!
Do you like writing about interesting topics? In this section you can write about lots of different things. Find something that interests you and post a comment to tell us all about it!
Когда ты даришь подарки другим людям? Кому ты даришь подарки? Ты сам делаешь подарки или покупаешь их в магазине? Как ты думаешь, какой подарок для тебя идеальный?
When do you give presents to people? Who do you give presents to? Do you make presents or do you buy them? What's your ideal present?

Your Turn: Presents

Tongue twisters

Do you like practising your English pronunciation? Have fun saying tongue twisters in English. Saying tongue twisters can be difficult at first, so don't worry if you can't do it very well to begin with. Just keep practising and have fun!

Listen to the tongue twister and practise saying it. How fast can you say it?
Послушай скороговорку и потренируйся в ее произношении. Как быстро ты можешь ее произнести?
"Not these things here, but those things there." 

House rules for kids

We have separate house rules for parents/guardians and teachers.

We want LearnEnglish Kids to be a fun, safe place, so we have house rules. You must follow these rules. Ask your parent or guardian to read these rules with you.



  • Use English only. It’s ok to make mistakes - don’t worry!
  • Be polite and respect other people’s opinions.
  • Write about the topic of the page.
  • Use your own words.
  • Change your password if you think someone knows it: http://learnenglishkids.britishcouncil.org/en/user
  • Don’t write your family name, address, phone number, email address, school name, password or other personal information in comments.
  • Don’t use bad language.
  • Don’t be rude or hurtful to other people.
  • Don’t put links to websites.
  • Don’t pretend to be someone else.
  • Don’t tell anyone your password!
We read all comments before we publish them. We do not publish comments that break the house rules. If you think a comment is breaking the house rules, please contact us

  • You must be 12 or younger for LearnEnglish Kids. Tell your parent or guardian before you join.
  • If you are 13-17, you can use our website for teenagers.
  • If you are a parent/guardian or teacher, you can create a parents or teachers account.

I love asking kids what they want to be when they grown up because I am still looking for the ideas !